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Monday, March 4, 2013

6 Great Songs From The 90's Volume 10

With Bob's post yesterday, and all of the great comments, I started thinking about some 90's tracks, especially the Nine Inch Nails song.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

6 Songs From the Mind of The Wheel Volume 1

Hi Guys , Dave asked me to provide a list for you all. Even though he asked me months ago, all of you know I am very lazy. I'm really doing this for Dave, he puts a lot of time, thought, and work into making his list and I think we all appreciate his efforts greatly and makes us all appreciate the music we love whether we agree with his choices or not, they are all thought provoking, interesting, and very debatable. So as a "thank you" to Dave Woods, here's "Wheel's" list of Top 6. I hope you enjoy and hope I've lived up to the standard that Dave has set so high.

Top 6 songs from the "After Hours" club "Cignal" of the late 80's in Baltimore.

Cignal on East Lafayette Ave was an after hours club in Baltimore located north of Mt.Vernon and just north of 83 off of Charles St around the corner from the Depot & Club Charles. A grey painted brick warehouse with an entrance on the right. Upon entering you would walk a narrow pathway and enter the bar area to the left. For some reason I remember the color red in this room, the bar itself was simple and you could bring your vodka or whatever bottle you carried with you to the bar , they would hold it for you and mix orange juice or cranberry when you wanted. Then to the right of the bar the room opened to this great huge room with a sunken-in oval dance floor much like a built-in swimming pool. The dance floor was made of wood resembling a basketball court and had plenty of platforms and dancing area above the floor. Huge speakers on the floor and hung around the room the sound was super-loud and fantastic with an adequate light show pre-lazer light. I remember the wildest part was going from light to total darkness and it was pitch-black when the lights went out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

This club was pre-Paradox , pre-Redwood Trust , pre-ecstasy , really pre-everything as far as "after hours" clubs go. I don't think anything ever came close because it was really drama free & fight free maybe because it was small compared to everything that came after, the music was different in the 90's with less goth & industrial and more synthpop, technopop, & electropop. I'm not saying there wasn't synth but it was less noticeable. Club opened about 10pm and closed about 6am with prime hours from 2am to 4am......

Here are my "Top 6" of club Cignal to give you an idea of what it was like , and please add your comments if I missed anything or remember anything differently. Everything and all info given was from my own memory, Oye and it's very fuzzy , lol ...........

5 Great New Songs Volume 21

With the release of new albums by two of my favorite artists, (Bowie and Carbon Leaf) I decided to do another New Music Post.