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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

6 Great Songs From the 80's Volume 5

I heard a Hoodoo Gurus song today and got me thinking about another 80's post. The 80's were a great time for music. Some of it was my age at the time but a lot of it was just some really great bands.

Hoodoo Gurus - Come Anytime
This band had a few alternative hits for a stretch during the late 80's. They are still around and putting out some good tunes.

House of Love - I Don't Know Why I Love You
This band was from the UK and also had a nice stretch of hits during the late 80's. "Shine On and this one were their biggest.

Howard Jones - Life In One Day
This was the second single off of the album "Dream Into Action". This was his biggest selling album which also spawned the re-recorded hit "No One Is To Blame" with Phil Collins.

INXS - Johnson's Aeroplane
The "Swing" was the follow up  album to "Shabooh Shoobah" and also included "Original Sin". It wasn't "the next big step" album like everyone thought it would be. That would come with their next album "Shine Like It Does".

Tom Petty - Running Down a Dream
This song was used in a season recap video for the Orioles '89 Why Not Season. It always makes me think of that whenever I hear it.

Charlie Sexton - Beat's So Lonely
Charlie was 16 when the album "Pictures for Pleasure" came out. He never took off like his record company thought he would although it was a very good album.

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